
Courtney Boyer

B.Sc. General Science, UBCO 2014

Projects (2013):

  • Lung Cancer Database

Courtney will be entering her fourth and final year at UBC Okanagan in September. She has no past research experience, however this project has inspired her to do further research in the future. Working on the Lung Cancer Database in conjunction with the Interior Health Thoracic Surgical Group was a great experience for her and she hopes to continue her research next summer. In her spare time, she enjoys jogging, reading, and playing with her dog Coco. She is interested in the field of surgery, potentially transplant or orthopaedic, and is fascinated by the internal workings of the human body. Courtney plans to enrol in the MD program at UBC in the fall of 2014 after graduating with her BSc. in June 2014.