B.Sc. Physics and Mathematics (Honours), UBCO 2017
- Impact of Coronary Artery Calcium on Radiation Induced Cardiac Toxicity in Breast Cancer Survivors
Cara grew up in Kelowna and recently graduated from UBC Okanagan with a Bachelor of Science in Physics and Mathematics. She joined the Early Detection Research Group in the summer of 2016 to work on the Radiation Induced Cardiac Toxicity study, completed an honors thesis in medical physics with Dr.Rajapakshe during her final year of study, and now also works on the Deep Learning for Breast Radiation Therapy project. She is passionate about using quantitative sciences to help people and plans to complete more study in the area of machine learning with a focus on healthcare applications. Her other interests include astrophysics, philosophy, and working with kids. In her free time, she loves to ski, swim, dance, and discuss science fiction.